agri capital
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Fair2All United Farming t/a Agri-Culture established its own Enterprise Development Fund trading under the name Agri-Capital™.

This fund’s mandate developed as a result of capitalising on the need to create a faster, more streamlined capital flow to fund the input cost channel. The mandate was developed by our CEO (who designed and built the Agri-Culture business model). Agri-Capital™ positioned itself in a “niche market space” in the agricultural sector where no other Enterprise Development Funds have dared to tread due to the “perceived risk” in agriculture.

Agri-Culture prides itself on changing the status quo in agriculture and hence needs unique new innovative funding mechanisms which necessitated the need for our own capital fund.

Agri-Culture has three channels to capital: the first being our Enterprise Development Fund which will enable all participants in the agricultural sector, be they grain trading, retail, distribution, or food processing companies to participate in our vision by investing in our fund.

The transparency of the capital invested, as well as earning real returns on this investment, were the two main drivers behind our fund. This return on investment will dramatically impact the farming sector for both of Agri-Culture’s farming models: the community land expansion, and the conversion of traditional white-owned farms to Joint Venture farms where black farmers will now own 51% of the farm land and both will farm the land.

Through innovation and by being global leaders in this field, whilst making a tremendous positive impact in the agricultural industry, implementing our model also gave rise to a new funding channel which will precede our anticipated listing on the London Stock Exchange, AIM. Agri-Culture will be the first farming business to seek listing and be the first agricultural business to offer a portion of its shares via an online platform to the population at large. Our offer will be backed 1:1 against assets in the company, and they will have a guaranteed return rate linked to a specific term, which will be fully secured and underwritten. This capital will further support short term cash flow to drive rapid hectare growth until our listing.

capital fund
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