

Initial size of Irrigation Land

Infrastructure Developments:

  • Conventional Irrigation
  • Pivots
  • Dams
  • Silo Complex
  • Store

From approximately 2015 Mr Jaco du Toit started to farm on Nokana (owned by Tony Clouston of Nokana Trading) and the Nokana Sepuputle CPA (Communal Property Association) on behalf of his friend Tony Clouston. A few years previously Mr Clouston helped to develop the land of the Sepuptule CPA from Conventional Irrigation to Pivot Irrigation and to expand their existing arable land.  Part of the infrastructure is a silo complex with a dryer as well as a storage capacity of 3000 tons.

Owner:  Nokana Trading (Toney Clouston owner of GSI Africa)

Rental Agreement:  To be established

Engagement date:

Contract Duration:

Irrigation Land:  126 ha

Farm description:  Portion 16 of the farm Buffelspoort 149, Registration Division JQ, North West Province.

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