Fair2All United Farming
The vision of Fair2All United Farming PLC is to address a series of historical problems using a holistic approach.
As a group both our main income streams (being Agri-Community and Agri-United are funded via our own Enterprise Development Fund’s three capital channels.
Each component or business unit in our group serves as motivation for advancement of farmers as food producers, communities as joint land owners, and previously disadvantaged people (who will now enter the business world through our business components as directors and shareholders) to be trained and educated in a sustainable method, with all of these individuals ultimately sharing wealth in a harmonious way.
Our Fair2Community do not only form an integral part of our group vision and structure but are one of the foundations of our business model.
Fair2All United Farming involves a combination of profit share via Community Trust schemes as well as a “hands on approach” to job creation, education and skills development via Agri-College, all being funded by a combination of company revenues and our Enterprise Development Fund Capital through a series of funding channels to ensure transparency, and ultimately the social, educational and financial advancement of all involved.
Fair2Community’s structure and approach are two-fold. In the infogram below our 3rd party partnership with independent European companies are illustrated. To view our own internal community advancement structures you can click on the following links: