Elements 05 1 favicon 1
Elements 05 1 favicon 1
Elements 05 1 favicon 1


A new dimension & approach in Agri-“Culture”:
Part of the new dimension is that our model effectively restructured the historical distribution chain by making the farmer a price giver vs a price taker.
Bigger part of the historical distribution chain is now for the first time added to a grain producer. Fair2Consumer.





Making a difference through effective land redistribution, upliftment of Communities:
A few South African farmers has attempted to lease land from previously disadvantaged Communities but sustainability has not been achieved historically.
Our acquired Agri group has a very successful audited track record in excess of five years.
With the successful foundation laid and our dramatic growth plan with land already secured from Communities will make make us the largest group in hectares and tonnage to uplift communities on redistribution farm land. Fair2Communities.



Adopting Fair Trade practices:
We engaged with Fair Trade too adopt their trade practices but found that their model is limited in terms of our unique South African agricultural sector.
One of our new crops, sugar beans is the only crop that falls under their targeted crops.
As our model already addresses numerous fair trade practices we adopted our own Fair2All business practice which will in time supplement
Fair Trade’s mandate. We believe that through innovation in multiple Agri-sectors our own Fair2All would in time Unite both practices hence our registered name, Fair2All United Farming.




Restoring South Africa and Africa’s “Bread basket to the world” status:
Through our two main income streams, Agri-Community we will expand our lease land hectares from 8000 Ha to 40,000 Ha.
Our Agri-United secondary income stream where existing white farmers can join our model after selling 51% of their farm land to their workers our initial projections already indicate a furtheramount of 40,000 Ha being added to group income.
Dramatic tonnage increases will be the start of our model restoring SA to Africa’s bread basket status. Fair2Previously disadvantaged.


Reducing water dependency whilst increasing yields and profitability by introducing sub-surface irrigation:
Fair2All United Farming t/a Agri-Culture also acquired 50% of Agri-drainage, a company specializing in land leveling, sub surface irrigation and water drainage.
Our model allows for the conversation of dry land to irrigated land, classified by us as Conversion land(TM).
This reduces Agri-risk, increases crop yield and profitability as we can have two crops a year.
Electricity usage is reduced by over 70% vs overhead pivot irrigation whilst our carbon footprint is greatly reduced. Fair2Planet.


First to deploy Trimble Automation and shrinkage control systems on the largest scale in the world:
We will be the first agriculture group internationally to deploy the entire Trimble Farm management, automation and shrinkage system.


First to offer a percentage shares via Social Media Platform to the previously disadvantaged with value and returns Guaranteed:
Millions of disadvantaged people does not possess the ability, skills or society channels to participate
In companies like Fair2All United Farming PLC from a share ownership point of view. The traditional informal “Stokvel” investment channel holds billions of Rands in investments yet not optimizing ROI for participants. Our simplified system makes the purchase of shares easy whilst guaranteeing a fix return on fixed periods starting at six months. (One planting cycle)



Farm land and production by converting historical white owned farms to majority controlled black owned farms:
Our Agri-United model converts white owned farms to majorly black owned farms in partnership with white farmers under our company’s management and guidance.



Is the first farming operation to add substantial value to basic staple food which historically has only been done by Citrus, Vine farmers:
Through technology  innovation and reducing the distribution chain to consumer by adding value to crop on our farms, margins are increased dramatically whilst end cost to consumer is reduced.


We developed an unique logistical channel to export crop and thus reduce cost, increase profits whilst circumventing historical infrastructure problems associated with Africa.
We entered into a long term off-Take agreement with one of the largest International Trading groups that will ensure all increased output volumes are pre-sold and partially exported via our first of its kind innovative logistical channel.



Part of vision is to be the first mega-Farming operation or group from South Africa to seek listing on the AIM index in London.
To take a farming operation to listing is not possible due to all the historical risks and average size of South African farming operations. Our business model has addressed every historical risk element, historical low margins, logistical flow, technology advancement whilst adding a vast group of business units to our model that now brings listing within our reach.



We developed our own Transparent Enterprise Development fund that simplifies capital investment flow to input funding:



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